Thursday, February 16, 2006

Five Point Nostalgia

Hey, two days of life without nicotine- Smokeless Living

Just put down 'five point someone' by Chetan Bhagat on Sunday. Suprisingly the book was released in 2004 , guess he took the slo-burn route to popularity. Now, I am not a voracious reader, the type that devours everything that hits the bookstands and some. Not the type who can go on for hours of how amazing and heady the smell and sensations of flicking through a fresh-off-the print book can be. I like books. Ever since I was a kid I'd love to spend OVERtime at the Family Bookshop in Bahrain. In some corner of my juvenile mindspace I would think that I owned the place and all these books were MINE MINE MINE.

Anyways, back to Chetan and his semi-autobiographical five point something. I think its great for a first book. I am not literary critic, but I think it was an easy read . Anyone who's lived in a hostel before must read this one. The book gets a big empathy vote from me. It's the type that makes you grin and say " Hey I did stuff like this once" , quickly followed by " Ah! those were wild days "

I didn't get out of IIT , but I guess this book will strike a chord with anyone who went to college, period.

Go get it!


At 2:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

chethan bhagat blogs @ rediff


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